California State Board of Cosmetology Mission Statement is simple:
To ensure the health and safety of California consumers by promoting ethical standards and by enforcing the laws of the beauty industry.
The State Board sets specific rules that licensed technicians must follow.
Any implement used on you must have been sterilized in State Board approved sterilizer such as Barbicide or sterilized in a State Board approved Autoclave. Certain things cannot be sterilized, for instance foot files, nail files, buffers must be thrown away after use. After a nail service with me, I offer the nail file or foot file or both depending on the service you receive. You can use the files at home for maintenance or you can bring them back to your next appointment.
Any Pedicure tub must be sanitized after each client. That means that the pipe-less jets must be removed, cleaned of debris, replaced and then sanitized. The tub must be filled with State Board approved sanitizer and the disinfectant must run through the tub for 10 minutes. The manicurist must log it in the Pedicure Sanitation Log. As a consumer you can ask to see any establishments Pedicure Log.
Thankfully, we live in a State that has our safety in mind. When you go to get your nails done at any establishment in California, you should have the peace of mind knowing that you are getting a safe service. When you go to get your toes done the only thing you should be getting is a Pedicure, not a foot fungus.

When you come and have a service done with me, know your safety comes first. I use only the best and most effective, State Board approved Disinfectants. The implements I use are clean and the unsanitizable files are disposed of or given to you at the end of your service.
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